Friday, October 21, 2011

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.” ~Dr. Seuss

Sitting on the balcony, drinking my morning coffee, and watching the waves roll in.  Today is our last day here and in this moment, I am wishing we had just a little longer to soak this all in.  This week, many things have happened that made me take a deeper look at one of my daily worries; what do others think of me, do I have a right to speak up, to participate, to be there???  And here's the thing, in the past I was told I wasn't welcome; in certain places, events, circumstances, etc.  The fact of the matter is: that shouldn't matter now, but the problem is, it does. I want others to know the real me; a compassionate, caring, kind person.  In the past, I may have come off differently to you, that wasn't the real me, that was me reacting to those daily worries.  It's hard to admit, but I wanted to fit in, to have friends who cared about and loved me, to feel happy.  And at the time, I thought that's what I wasn't.  If you are a person that I have hurt in some way, please accept my sincere apology...

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