Sunday, May 27, 2012

Thank you God for answering my prayer :)

It's been a LONG time since my last post.  So much has been accomplished since then, probably too many things to mention here.

Caylee and Chad are both sleeping and I'm happy to share that tonight, I'm finally feeling the sense of relief I have been waiting for; school is out, summer is here, and there's a ton of fun to be had!  In fact, I feel like we packed a summer's worth of events in the last few days.  From a fun-filled day on the lake Friday, pool and parties on Saturday, and enjoying the blow-up "waterpark" with the neighbors today!  It's a great feeling to know I can sleep in tomorrow, wake up and enjoy my coffee, then do whatever I want whenever I'm ready.  No obligations or plans, just relaxing and going wherever the day takes me. 

I've had so much fun with Caylee lately!  She truly is amazing and I can't believe how fast she is growing up.  She surprises me daily with her comments, songs, stories, and our special conversations.   She tells me all the time that she loves me and says, "hey mom, you are my best friend".  I love that.  I know there may come a day where the words she says to me are quite the opposite, but for now, I want to savor the moments we share happily together.  She really does know how to make my heart smile :)

I am looking forward to a relaxing week; accomplishing a few must-do's, spending some time outdoors, enjoying quality time with my fam, and taking the time to really feel the happiness that's in my heart...

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