Sunday, March 25, 2012


Had such a great day with my husband yesterday celebrating five years of marriage! 

We spent the day with each other and many friends.  I usually never take the camera with me, and if I do, rarely take pictures, but yesterday I made it a point to take pictures with the many friends we celebrated with at the different places we went to.  And surprisingly, it was really fun to look back at the day's story through pictures.  It reminds me that I am blessed with the love of a family and many friends, new and old, that love me for who I am.  I can be myself around them, have fun with them, share laughs with them, and at the end of the night, not worry about what they think of me, whether they like me or not, or if they are going to talk about me behind my back.

For the longest time, I felt the pressure to do/say the right thing...and never really knew what the "right thing" was.  I wanted to be accepted, understood, liked so badly that I completely let go of who I was and tried to become what I thought others were looking for. 

As Dr. Phil would say, "And how's that workin' for ya?"  My response: "It didn't". 

It all comes down to one word: CHANGE.
I had to CHANGE; my thinking, my codependent behaviors, how I viewed myself, and the way I reacted to change itself.

Looking at those pictures this morning made me happy.  It made me see that though time has changed so many things for me, I have learned so much, encountered many new people, opened up doors for other job options, and am beginning to know who I am and what my purpose is.

I am learning that friendships and experiences from the past, happen for a reason.  And that it's ok to let go of what I need to in order to grow.  People change, go in different directions, want different things.  True friends will be there no matter what, to accept who you are, where you are, and to support you on your journey.

Life can get crazy!  I feel blessed to have such special people to share the craziness with :)...

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