I've spent a lot of time alone with my thoughts over the last few days. I needed some time to process life as it is...and life as it will be in the coming months. For those of you who don't know, I had my six month ECHO and cardiologist appointment on Friday. We found out that the aneurysm has grown .1 cm and we are pushing 5.0 cm (the time when it is suggested to do surgery). I will be getting an MRI in February and then we will begin the process of searching for the best surgeon. My cardiologist thinks I may be a good candidate for the David procedure---also known as an aortic root repair with valve sparing. Surgery will require this procedure along with the repair of the aneurysm.
So...obviously the thoughts in my head are all over the place! We have some time to get things situated, but the fact of the matter is...it's about that time. And really, I'm just trying to prepare myself for all that could be. It's given me a bit of a reality check and has made me think about some things I would usually prefer not to.
I heard this Sheppard song today and though all of the lyrics don't refer to my specific situation, the phrase---So say Geronimo!---spoke to me.
Needing to talk myself into this surgery; tell myself I can do this; and believe I will be a survivor.
So I'm diving in and saying Geronimo! If you know a surgeon here in Indy or have had experience with surgeons at Cleveland Clinic, I would love to hear your story or anything you can tell me about your journey. Please share in the comments below or email me: nicole@flowersonfootprints.com
I'll be revisiting my Fear-less list over the next few weeks as I breathe in this beautiful world and the precious people who are sharing life with me. I have a feeling I'll be saying Geronimo A LOT!
Much love to you all~
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