Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground. ~Psalm 143:10

Today, I feel like He's moving me forward.  I completed my CPR certification and I now just have to wait for the IDOE to approve and renew my teaching license!  It's made me reflect a bit on the last year and allowed me to be honest with myself about all that has happened.

When I left Perry Township, I thought I was done in the classroom.  I really had no intention of renewing my license or stepping foot back into what I called our 'broken educational system'.  And then along came something new!  It was a vision that totally spoke to me and one that I truly believed in...its mission, its purpose, its ideas, but most importantly, its people...the ones promising this place would be different; would really make a difference.

But, I have to be honest here, I was disappointed.  And I'm not sure where that leaves me to go next. I do know, looking back, that I did learn a lot.  I was forced to really stand up and speak out for what I believe in and I learned to stand up and speak out for others. I learned that no matter how badly you want something to be successful, without proper communication and follow through, it will not.  I've learned that it's okay to have differing opinions and how to work through those situations with others. And I've learned that this won't be the last time that someone/something disappoints me.  If there is one thing I miss about RPE, it is the amount of teamwork and collaboration all of the staff put into their work.  Because in the end, being part of a team is how you get through.  They are the people who support you, who help you through the uncomfortable situations, and show you what to do when you get lost.  I'm thankful for my experiences there with more than one team who did just that. And hope, if nothing else, I was able to pass that importance along during my time at IAE.

Now I think it's time to accept that I'm going on a new adventure...one that hasn't been shown to me yet. I know He's teaching me patience (something I totally need to work on) and I'm just waiting 'patiently' for Him to show me where to go next...

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