Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Life is like a painting...the more color you add, the more it comes alive! ~Me!

I've got so much to share: exciting discoveries, animal encounters, items checked off the "fear-less" list, items to add to the list, items to add AND check off the list! It really was an amazing getaway full of love, laughter, meditation, peace, picture taking, journaling, and enjoying.

Today, I'm sharing this heart, seen each day on our walk to the beach.  A small reminder in the sidewalk to take it all in...
or as one of my favorite artists, Kelly Rae Roberts, posted in a recent blog the "practice of pausing to notice, to capture, to exhale inside a moment of simply being present."
You can read more here: http://kellyraeroberts.blogspot.com/2013/06/hearts-everywhere.html

As each day passes, I become more aware of moments...moments I want to pause and notice, to capture on camera, to be present in.  That is how we "LOVE LIFE".
The red paint splatter, in the picture above, symbolizes the first splash of color (take notice) on my mission to "add more color to my life".  I hope to add many more as I travel this new path!

What colors have you added?  Leave me a comment below :-)

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