We saw so many critters in and around the beach while we were there! Most of you already know how I feel about them, but for those of you who don't...let me apologize up front <3
Really, I don't know why I'm so afraid them, but for some reason, I prefer to keep my distance from most (for now anyway).
Here are just a few of the many we saw:
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I was really proud of myself for having lunch next to the silly frog! I'm not going to lie, I was afraid of him at first :-/ He watched everything we did, would eyeball us all the way around the table, then fold his hands and sit and stare! I thought for sure he was going to leap right into my lap, but he didn't :-) And was definitely a sight to see.
There were also lizards EVERYWHERE we turned! Honestly, this time I really wasn't afraid them! I mean, it's not like they can kill you like those scary lizards in the movie HOLES! These were just tiny little things. Chad ended up catching a few, but they are quick and run when you get close!
Chad also found several shells with crabs living in them. Because of the storms, the water was pretty cloudy, so he would feel them with his foot and grab them...eeeeek! One of the reasons I didn't put my feet down while swimming in the ocean...yep, I did it!!! But I'll leave that exciting news for another post! ;-)
There were so many cool birds to watch while there. Too many to get pictures of all, but so many interesting ways they fish for and eat their dinner.
Two I didn't get a picture of: 1. the dolphins and 2. a really scary looking reddish/orange snake that I may have stepped on (just after removing my socks and shoes from a long walk!) if Chad hadn't pointed it out...
And last, but definitely not least...an ARMADILLO! We caught this little guy making his way across the sand from one area of brush to another right before a storm. We COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! I have read about armadillo's...you know the one from Amarillo?!? I didn't know they were in Florida!
Definitely had our share of animal encounters AND LIVED to tell about it! :-D
Maybe they're not so bad after all...
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