Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Best of What's Around!!!

I have been trying to decide the best way to introduce you to each of the FABULOUS shops where you can find my work.  Then it hit me...I'm going back to the beginning.  Back to before Flowers on Footprints truly existed, when most of you knew my story, my journey but before I opened up and began sharing it out loud with the world.

It was a little under a year ago that I was scrolling through my facebook feed and happened to notice that a friend of mine had liked a page..."Best of What's Around" was the name and the owner, Danie Leever was just beginning a new adventure of her own!  I loved what I saw on her page and decided to take a throw it out there that I was interested in sharing my work with her.

If I'm really being honest, I WAS SCARED TO DEATH!!!  I had just recently started making little pieces of jewelry; a few necklaces and wire rings.  So I was definitely surprised, yet ABSOLUTELY THRILLED when she asked me to bring in a few pieces!  And that is where it all began :-)

The thing I love most about Danie's shop is that I feel like I'm home when I walk in.  She is truly interested in your story and determined to help you find the perfect gift or piece that speaks to you.  In fact, I opened my facebook feed this morning to this post from her page:

Sometimes when I'm shopping at smaller boutiques I get the impression the the owner or employees don't really care why I'm there, what I'm buying, or why I'm buying. It could be my silly girl insecurity, or could just be a true fact. Either way, I was thinking this morning that you all should know that what you are doing in my shop is the BEST part about my business. I love knowing at least 75% of you by name, why you are buying that apron, what color side table you are hunting for, who will the the recipient of that personal wall art. I love knowing what brought you in, who told you about the shop, or how you spend your lunch hour once a week. Just thought you should know. I like ya. A lot. 

This holiday season, I hope you will stop in, introduce yourself, and see all that Danie has to offer. I promise you won't be disappointed! <3

Best of What's Around
8745 116th Street
Fishers, IN

Flowers on Footprints display at Best of What's Around!
A few of the pieces you can find there!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for the love, Nicole! It's a pleasure having you in the shop and having you as a friend!