It started Friday evening as our kids took to the streets with decorated bikes for the "Back to School Bike Parade"! So many fun activities, including crab races and treats. Caylee had a blast! And it was so nice to visit with so many great friends!!! We even ended up bringing two of the little (well one is actually pretty big) crabs home...dun, dun, dun.
We've managed to make a home for them and they seem to be doing well :-)
Saturday was the day we spent downtown and the day Caylee got her ears pierced. That night, we sat around the fire with friends and family, enjoying the most beautiful night.
Sunday was another full day! We spent the morning with great friends celebrating birthdays. Activities for the kids included a bounce house, parachute, sand box, and swimming! What a great party!!!
From there, we traveled to a poolside party for our adorable niece. She's one! And enjoyed some quiet family time.

And as you can also see, I mustered up enough courage to try something on my "fear-less" list!
I tried to get up on skis!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, I was shaking from head to toe (because actually being out in open water ALONE is also another fear of mine) but there I was...getting a few lessons from Chad, talking to myself the majority of the time, and pushing myself out of that comfort zone. It was exciting and scary all at the same time!
The second try ended up being my best...I actually got up out of the water, but couldn't straighten my body up enough to stay up. I will definitely be trying that again!
I was so proud of myself for tubing, for being the driver for Chad, "the trickster", and for trying something new in the midst of fear. It was a great feeling and I enjoyed every moment of it!
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