It's been a busy, but fun week! Caylee and I have spent a lot of quality time together enjoying the outdoors, our home, and each other. I have also been able to accomplish a few tasks that were in great need of some attention. My office now really feels like a cozy workspace and I'm anxious to complete our front yard landscaping project.
I came across this quote today in my inbox and wanted to take some time to reflect on it. I have been working on letting go of some of the control I like to have over things in my life. I'm practicing enjoying each day! When something happens that I wish wouldn't have or that I want to go back and change, instead of dwelling on it, trying to fix it, or worrying how others feel about it, I'm choosing to move forward. That's tough at times! I'd rather defend myself, try to get others to understand me or my point of view, get mad. But the truth is, that's only going to cause me more stress, give me less time to enjoy my day, and cause more problems than I started with. This quote is so true. Things will happen. I have no control over other people, but I do have control over myself, my actions, and my reactions. I won't let those things I have no control over, control my life. The purpose of the good and bad is to teach me; to show what I need to work on, to share what I'm doing well, and to push me to take risks to make myself better.
I'm thoroughly enjoying my summer! No more shutting out the world, instead breathing the world in...
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