Sunday, April 1, 2012

“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.” ~Epictetus

Ahhh, what a beautiful day :)  Feeling overjoyed that I DO NOT have to work tomorrow!!!  Instead, we are heading to Cincinnati and taking Caylee to the Newport Aquarium!  Definitely not the beach, but something fun to do as a family :)

I've been pretty proud of myself lately; made some new discoveries about me and things I enjoy, decided to let a few things (that I really didn't want to) go, and am preparing to introduce my new self to some people who haven't seen me in a while. 

Lots of good things are happening too; the prospects of a new job, the completion of the book, being able to enjoy time with family and good friends over spring break, and the quickly approaching summer break with many fun-filled days on the lake!

So many things to be thankful for and to smile about today :)  Hope you are smiling today too...

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