Today is a good day to have a good day! As I'm finishing up a few last things before I start my new job, I wanted to fill you in on some exciting things that have been happening in our world!
I saw Dr. Jackson on Thursday and he says I'm ready for my BIG tattoo! So I'll be interviewing tattoo artists in the near future! I have an idea of what I want, but I'm looking for someone who can take my ideas and create a masterpiece, so if you have a fave, please send me their name...I'm willing to travel!
My new position starts tomorrow with orientation! I'm excited and a bit nervous, but ready to get into a new routine after being out of the workforce for nearly two years!!
And I think securing a job was exactly what I needed to light that fire. I was talking with a friend the other day about how everything really does happen for a reason...and even though this medical journey has been difficult, God has brought so much good out of it. Something we've been trying to make on our own for several years is finally coming to fruition! God has had a plan all along...and it's so cool to see things falling into place!

First, I have to say thank you to all of my loyal supporters over the last five years. Flowers on Footprints never would have been successful without you and your business. I'm so grateful I had the opportunity to inspire you on your journey and feel blessed to have brought you hope through my handmade pieces! But as the saying goes..."Nothing changes IF nothing changes!
So...the first BIG news I'd like to share is that we are making some changes to Flowers on Footprints! Making jewelry was a great creative outlet for me in the beginning, but as I've grown and changed over the last two years, it has felt like more of a weight on my shoulders than an exciting adventure. Because of that, I have decided to let it go. Flowers on Footprints, the business, will still remain, but it will be offering something different! As you all know, I have a passion for writing. Even before we published our first book, I found writing so very exciting...whether it is for fun, sharing about something awesome, or teaching others how to do it--I absolutely LOVE it! And so that's what I'm going to do! Flowers on Footprints will offer freelance writing services, writing tutoring, writer's workshops, and summer writing camps, as well as continue to offer hand-stamping and journaling workshops/creative sessions for GNO's, mother/daughter date nights, birthday parties, etc. I am so very excited about this change and I hope your are too!!
The next BIG thing comes from taking a leap of faith--one I have thought about, but been scared to take, for a while! With the help of my family and a few awesome friends, I finally stepped off the ledge and opened up my wings! We are calling it "After Cancer Adventures" and it is a start-up, non-profit to support cancer survivors, after cancer! We are determined to make a BIG impact and will need your help to do so! More information will be coming soon as we get all of the pieces put together, but our hope is to offer networking opportunities, mentoring, sunshine boxes, a helpline, as well as fund something we are calling "the NO fear project"--we will choose 1 or 2 survivors/co-survivors per year and fund something they have always wanted to do, but never had the courage to skydiving or ziplining or singing in front of a crowd, etc.
There is so much support offered to patients once they've been diagnosed and there's even other non-profits focused on educating the public prior to the diagnosis. But I struggled "after cancer" to find someone to help me...everything was supposed to go back to normal, whatever that was. I was often depressed, tired, sad, etc. because I didn't have a purpose. We hope to help others navigate through this process, empower them to take their own leap, which will hopefully inspire them to chase after their own dream in the making!
I'll be sharing more in the weeks to come, so please make sure to follow me here or sign up to receive emails when new posts are available.
Praising God for these amazing opportunities!!! And so very excited for what is to come!!!
Love you all,