I've been enjoying the sunshine and bits of good temperature we've gotten the last few weeks. It's a sign that spring is coming and I don't know about you, but I'm so excited! Blooming flowers, green grass, new life...a fresh start and along with it, so much hope!
It's been almost a year since I wrote my last blog post. At that time, I was recovering from open heart surgery and, like now, getting excited about spring and all the new things that were coming. However, that was very short-lived due to my cancer diagnosis. If you haven't been following along on CaringBridge, you can get caught up by heading over there to read my journal entries.
It's taken me a while, but I'm finally feeling motivated to get back to work...though I'm still trying to figure out what that looks like exactly. Reflection has been a huge part of the healing process for me and I think what finally brought me closure was an article I just finished for Haute Life Magazine. While writing, I did some soul searching and the other day I had this "A-ha" moment! For the longest time, I've been putting pressure on myself to get back into the studio, to pick up where I left off. But what I've realized is there really isn't a way to do that, too much has happened and I am in a completely different place now.
Though I have so much to tell you about all of that, it would actually be too much to put in this post. So instead, the plan will be to write here as I continue moving forward. I'll share how things are coming along, personally and professionally, but will also be narrowing my topic to focus on what the blog was intentionally created for...empowering you to grow and bloom on your own journey through life! If you're not already following along, please consider doing so! You can subscribe by email or join with your blogger account on the right side of this page. Please invite your friends to do the same!
I have a new hope for the future. So many seeds have already been planted. Excited to see where the flowers bloom!
Peace and Love,
Nicole O.
<3 NO fear
If you're interested in learning more about Haute Life Magazine, please click here. My piece will appear in the April-June issue! You can get your subscription here.